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CASE STUDY - Immersion Microscribe 3D Scanner

Solidworks wireframe
The wireframe of the complete scissors in solidworks.

FISKARS Consumer Products, Inc.

"These models were some existing handles that some bondo was added to to simulate the material we wanted to add. I want to emphasize that these were only a starting point because one of the original goals to accomplish was to increase the overall size of the handles by 10%.

Basically I used the MicroScribe to capture some of the 3D curves, such as the parting line and outside contours. I also captured many cross-sections to facilitate building the loft cuts. The most critical feature to keep smooth and flowing was the parting line. It was imperative for the mold making process. I modified those curves (increased the size by 10 %) and used those curves to drive the lofts and sweeps to create the part files. Of course, much experimenting was done on tweaking the geometry to get the fillets and rounding to fall into place. Several rounds of Z-Corp, SLS, and SLA models were built from these files to verify the data."

Setup for scissors
The scissor handle set up for digitizing. Extra bondo was added to increase the handle's size.
Handle wireframe
The wire frame of the handle in SolidWorks.
Handle render
A rendering of the handle in SolidWorks.

Software Used

Solidworks 98 Plus